What is InShape?

InShape is a new generation of body shaping device that employs Intelligent Automatic Muscle Training (IamT) technology.

InShape with IamT applies super electric impulses generated by electromagnetic field to muscle in order to induce forced muscular contractions. it is an automatic reaction which is equivalent to an intensive strength exercise such as 20,000 squats OR sit-up. Treated muscle get remodeled and rehabilated. it results in more toned and firmer muscle of abs, thighs and buttocks for better aesthetic appearance.

InShape enables to bring the effects without pain, downtime nor any discomfort non-invasively.

manufactured by

South Korea

About GTG Wellness

GTG Wellness is engaged in beauty of the human health, the medical system and cell research programs that integrate to provide Total Beauty Solution.

Since its foundation of GTG Wellness in 1999, the innovative technology of GTG Wellness has been admitted in both domestic and foreign countries regarding the quality and technology, so the products are exported into the world such as America, Europe, Middle East, and Oceania to become a pioneer of beauty industry.

Furthermore, we areputtingalltheefforts to satisfy customer’s needs with an immediate change of technology in the beauty & medical market and proceeding with work of R&D to develop the innovative and creative products.